InterFM89.7Mhz [Trendy Pickups Ep.3] TONIGHT‼️
2023/1/11(木)25時放送!今年注目の #RnB / #hiphop を厳選セレクト!後半はRISA&RORO二人のキャリアストーリーを背景に国際視点のトークセッションをお送りします!Happy New Year to all! The first show of this 2023 will be broadcasting tonight on Interfm89.7Mhz! On the 1st part of “Trendy Pickups by Risa & Roro” we’ll be bringing you new and hot selected Hiphop & R&B. For the 2nd half of the show, Risa & Roro will have a talk session where they tell you a little bit more about themselves and give their international perspective on things. This is going to be a great show so don’t miss it! Info below!
放送日:1/11 (Wed) 25pm-26pm
放送局:Interfm 89.7Mhz (関東エリア)
番組ブログ:R2radiojp.com #trendyPickups #R2RADIO #RisaKumon #Roro #Roromuzic #Interfm897